商业机会 产品大全 企业名录 我商务中心 | | 手机站 网址:yuelon.qy6.com 供应Primarybelt scraperfor coal-PUbelt s_东莞市长益新材料有限公司
联系人:林先生 先生 (经理)
电 话:0769-83001256
手 机:13829265529


供应Primarybelt scraperfor coal-PUbelt s


    Primarybelt scraperfor coal-PUbelt scraperfor coal

PU primary conveyor belt cleaner, belt scraper

Conveyor Belt Cleaners help remove bulk material product carry back and prevent it from falling off at various points of the conveyor along the return side of the belt causing various housekeeping and conveyor belt maintenance problems.

Various kinds of belt cleaners for your options:

1. Primary Belt Cleaner with Polyurethane Blade

2. Secondary Belt Cleaners with Polyurethane Blade

3. V Plough Belt Cleaners

4. H-Type Belt Cleaners with Tungsten Carbide Tips

5. P-Type Belt Cleaners with Tungsten Carbide Tips

6. Rotary Brush Belt Cleaner

#PU scraper main Features

Oil & Solvent resistance

Resistance to acids/bases

Excellent mechanical properties

Resistance to heat aging

东莞市长益新材料有限公司///Primarybelt scraperfor coal-PUbelt scraperfor coal

林先生 先生 (经理)  
电  话: 0769-83001256
传  真: 0769-89026686
移动电话: 13829265529
公司地址: 中国广东东莞市大朗镇犀牛陂元岗路
邮  编: 523770
公司主页: http://yuelon.qy6.com(加入收藏)

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东莞市长益新材料有限公司 公司地址:中国广东东莞市大朗镇犀牛陂元岗路
林先生 先生 (经理) 电话:0769-83001256 传真:0769-89026686
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